Assessment and Evaluation Policy


Oakwood Collegiate Institute holds high expectations for all students so they can acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and values to become responsible members of a democratic society. The main purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning.Information gathered through this process helps teachers to determine how students are performing in relation to the Ontario Curriculum Expectations. Teachers also use this information to adapt their teaching, to meet individual student needs. Ongoing assessment and evaluation reflect Oakwood’s strong commitment to accountability, quality programming, and continuous improvement.


Communication Links for Students, Parents / Guardians

  • Course Outlines containing specific course requirements, a list of all student performance tasks to be completed, and the method of final evaluation will be handed out during the first two weeks of class.
  • Oakwood acknowledges the importance of support from the home and realizes that this is an important ingredient for student success. Parents are encouraged to speak to teachers regularly about their child’s progress. Please call the school with any questions or concerns.
  • Regular attendance is the single most important factor in predicting success. Students must be in class each and every day.
  • It is important that all students meet course expectations and timelines set by their teacher. Students with IEPs will be supported in their subjects with accommodations and modifications as outlined on their IEP.
  • Students who are struggling with completing course work can speak directly with their subject teacher for additional support.
  • Homework help is available in various ways. Students are asked to speak to a Guidance Counselor if they need additional assistance.
  • In specific circumstances, subject teachers will work with students to provide additional / alternative assignments or opportunities to demonstrate their learning.


Principles of Assessment and Evaluation

There are seven fundamental principles which guide the assessment, evaluation and reporting of student learning. Teachers use practices and procedures that:

  • Are fair, transparent, and equitable for all students.
  • Support all students, including those with special education needs.
  • Are carefully planned to relate to the curriculum expectations and learning goals and, as much as possible, to the interests, learning styles and preferences, needs, and experiences of all students.
  • Are communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of the school year and at other appropriate points throughout the school year.
  • Are ongoing, varied in nature, and administered over a period of time to provide multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate the full range of their learning.
  • Provide ongoing descriptive feedback that is clear, specific, meaningful and timely to support learning and achievement.
  • Develop students’ self-assessment skills to enable them to assess their own learning, set specific goals, and plan next steps for their learning. ~from Growing Success, 2010




•  November 2021 - Provincial Mid-term Report Card             

•  November 2021 - Parent-Teacher Interviews

•   February 2022 - Sem 1 Final Report Card

•   April 2022 - Provincial Mid-Term Report Card

•   April 2022 - Parent-Teacher Interviews

•   June 2022 – Sem 2 Final Report Card






Reporting on Student Achievement of Curriculum Expectations

The Final June Report Card grade is calculated based on:

  • 70% for term work ongoing from September to June
  • 30% for summative evaluation completed in the final 6-8 weeks of the school year which may include culminating assignments, presentations, research projects and final June exams

Evaluation of the achievement of the overall curriculum expectations is based on the achievement chart for the subject and marks are weighted according to the achievement chart categories (Knowledge, Thinking, Communication and Application) for each subject.

The final grade for course works reflects a student’s most consistent, more recent level of achievement throughout the course.



Reporting on Learning Skills

There are six clusters of Learning Skills: Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative, and Self-Regulation. Teachers will report achievement in learning skills by using letter symbols:

E = Excellent G = Good S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement

Learning skills affect levels of student achievement, but they are not part of the evaluation of achievement. Comments may link achievement and learning skills, but learning skills may NOT be used to evaluate achievement. Learning skills such as completion of homework and regular attendance affect achievement, but they are not evaluated as achievement of the course expectations.


Meeting Course Timelines and Due Dates

For each evaluation, the teacher will inform students of the due date. It is expected that students will complete assignments and submit them to the teacher by the due date. Students need to be aware that a late penalty may be applied and a mark of zero may be assigned for missed classwork and evaluations.

Late Assignments

It is the student’s responsibility to:

  • Meet the assignment deadlines set by the teacher.
  • Submit evidence of having tried to complete the assignment on time.
  • Talk with their teacher if they are having difficulty with an assignment in order to get support in completing the task on time.
  • Communicate with the teacher prior to the day that an assignment is due. When circumstances indicate that they may miss a deadline, students should work with the teacher to negotiate an extension.
  • Provide acceptable documentation, for example a note from a doctor, to arrange to submit the assignment or write the test after the assigned date.
  • See course outline pertaining to department policy.



Supporting Student Success

Missed Culminating Activities and Final June Exams

  • Students are required to complete all culminating tasks by the absolute deadline set by the teacher. Students may receive a mark of zero if they cannot provide medical documentation for missed assignments and culminating activities.
  • All students are required to write final course exams.
  • Students walking in late for a final exam may not be provided the opportunity to write the exam. The final decision rests with the Administration.
  • Students who are absent on the day of a culminating activity or exam require appropriate documentation stating they were unable to complete the evaluation / exam.The Principal, in consultation with the Teacher, will determine an appropriate mark.
  • If the absence is unjustified (e.g. sleeping-in, leaving on a family vacation, summer job) the teacher has no obligation to give the student another opportunity and the mark of zero for that part of the summative evaluation/culminating activity will stand.
  • The final decision regarding marks rests with the Principal.