Academic Honesty

Academic Honesty

Students are expected to be academically honest by submitting their own original work. Academic dishonesty in any form is a serious offence.



Plagiarism is defined as the use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another without attribution, in order to represent them as one’s own original work. (Growing Success 2010, p.151) It can take many forms, including the following:

  • Submitting an essay/assignment written by someone else (e.g., buying an essay online, downloading an essay from a website, having someone else complete one’s assignment, or copying or using work including homework done by another student).
  • Piecing together material from one or several sources and adding only linking sentences.
  • Quoting or paraphrasing material without citing the source of that material, including, but not limited to books, magazines, journals, websites, newspapers, television programs, radio programs, movies, videos, photographs, and drawings in print or electronic form.
  • Copying and pasting from the internet or other electronic sites without citing the source; and omitting quotation marks for direct quotations even if the sources have been cited.




In the context of assessment and evaluation, cheating would be defined as the deviation from the behaviour expected in an evaluation situation. Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Copying another student’s homework;
  • Using another student’s work on a test or any other evaluation;
  • Bringing unauthorized notes or notations into an evaluation;
  • Asking for or giving someone an answer during an evaluation;
  • Unauthorized use of electronic media to obtain answers during an evaluation; and
  • Presenting assignments that have been completed by someone else as one’s own.
  • Investigation - When there is evidence of academic dishonesty, the teacher will discuss the matter with the student(s) involved.
  • Communication - The teacher will inform the vice-principal with
  • Consequences for academic dishonesty - A mark of zero may be


Consequences of Academic Dishonesty

When plagiarism or cheating is detected, the following process will be followed:

specific details and will inform the Parent/Guardian.

awarded for the assignment in question. In consultation with the

teacher, the vice-principal will determine if there is to be an opportunity

at another time for the student to demonstrate evidence of proper research skills. The severity of the offence and the number and nature

of previous offences will be taken into account when determining the consequences of second, and any subsequent, offences.