The Health and Physical Education Program
The aim of Palmerston’s Health and Physical Education program is to create a quality program that focuses on healthy active living for all students. You can expect the following for your child:
- Skills and activities that relate back to Ontario curriculum standards
- An opportunity for vigorous physical activity
- Developmentally appropriate activities
- A balanced program incorporating skill development, movement education, games/sports & health-related activities
- The opportunity for your child to improve or maintain their fitness level on a regular basis
- Challenging & FUN activities the encourage students to build a lifelong commitment to leading an active life :)

Mr. Fs Expectations are…
L istening (following instructions & freeze signal)
A ttitude (always display good sportsmanship)
C lothes (MUST have running shoes to participate)
E ffort (students must always try their best)
S afety ( use equipment properly, keep hands to self & not endanger other kids)
Parents are welcome to volunteer with any of the sports throughout the year. Please call the school at 416-393-9305 or contact Mr. F directly at michael.facchinelli@tdsb.on.ca
Thank you!