About Us

Student Leadership Pathway

Leadership development is a key feature of ECI. Take part in exciting leadership opportunities at every grade level. Grade 9's can apply to our LofT - Leaders of Tomorrow program and start to develop the skills, experiences and a portfolio in order to become school leaders in their senior years of high school. They will make new friends and learn what it is like to be part of a dynamic, supportive high school.  Grade 10 students participate in an overnight camp experience for a week of skill development and friendship building with student leaders from Grades 11 & 12 - an experience not to be missed! 

Our Leadership programs support diversity at ECI and build a foundation for school spirit.  Self-esteen, teamwork, positive attitudes and memories to last a lifetime are built under the guidance of teaching staff and senior student mentors. In addition to a regular course load, students will commit to 100 hours of related community service in a field; participate in a mandatory minimum number of plenary sessions around the focus they choose; participate in mandatory leadership roles in extra-curricular activities.  Upon completion of the four-year program, students will receive the ECI Leadership Diploma, with an addendum to the transcript that goes beyond their academic accomplishments to include all aspects of their ECI education.

Student Leadership Pathway Photo