Student Success Team - Did you know that there is a Student Success Team at ECI?
If your child is struggling in high school, read more here on how the team can help.
The Student Success initiative within the TDSB falls under the Guidance umbrella in secondary schools and focuses on the success of every student. Guidance Counsellors, Special Education Teachers, Administrators and a Child and Youth Worker make up the Student Success team. The team creates success strategies tailored to students’ needs, provides supplemental tutoring as well as crucial guidance and support. ECI’s team is coordinated by Student Success teacher, Ms. Oxley, who assists students in achieving their highest potential academically and socially by providing links to in-school, TDSB and community resources. Ms. Oxley also tracks, interprets and reports data on the progress of students and coordinates the Credit Recovery and Credit Rescue process. Ms. Kaske, the ACL of Special Education, co-ordinates the Focus on Success program.
At-risk students are usually referred to the program by their Guidance Counsellor who has likely been in touch with teachers, parents and administrators at the school. “However, there is nothing stopping students from coming to see us on their own,” says Ms. Oxley. “We introduce the program during assemblies in September and regularly update the bulletin board outside of the Student Services offices to ensure all students are aware that this program is available to them.”
The Student Success team has been busy assisting students in the Credit Recovery process, participating in one-on-one student meetings to help with a variety of issues affecting performance and facilitating In-School Support team meetings. “Students want to be successful,” says Ms. Oxley, “and the Student Success team at ECI is dedicated to listening, assisting and guiding all students towards their strengths and ultimately success.”
Credit Recovery
Credit-recovery programs help students earn the credits they have previously failed to achieve, as they develop the learning skills needed for academic success. Credit Recovery is available in Grade 9 and 10 core subjects and is usually completed independently by the student with support from Ms. Oxley or Ms. Kaske.
Credit Rescue
Credit Rescue is completed during the exam period for both semesters. Students who are in danger of failing a particular course are given extra work to complete in order to help them pass the course. Students are invited to attend this program and participating in it does not guarantee a pass.
If you would like more information about the Student Success program, Ms. Oxley can be reached through ECI’s main office number at (416) 394-7840, extension 20043.