Grade 10 Introduction to Computer Studies - ICS2O1
This course will introduce everyone, from beginners to experienced students, to computer programming. There is absolutely no prerequisite knowledge of computers required to succeed in this course. During most of the course students will plan and write simple computer programs as they learn each fundamental programming concept. The primary focus is on creating traditional structured programs and the course culminates in each student creating a unique computer animation. Students will also learn about the primary concepts behind computer hardware, software and operating systems. By the end of the course you will have a good idea of whether creating computer programs in business, science, animation and gaming is something you would like to pursue.
Grade 11 Introduction to Computer Studies - ICS3U1
This course expands on the fundamental programming concepts taught in the grade 10 course. This course covers more advanced programming topics and techniques which provides students with an opportunity to create more interesting and rewarding applications. You will learn to write traditional and object oriented programs in Python, which is often used in Ontario’s Universities and Colleges. Developing creative solutions to solve problems in business, science, animation and gaming will enhance your understanding of computer programming in the work place. This course is designed to prepare students who are thinking of pursuing post-secondary opportunities in science, engineering, technology, and computer science.
Grade 12 Computer Science - ICS4U1
The focus in this course is to further prepare students for programming at the post-secondary level. Building on your knowledge from ICS3U1 students will enhance their understanding of how to create object oriented programs while learning to program in Java. Students will be encouraged to work independently to plan, write, test and analyse large computer programs that reflect expectations of industry, Colleges and Universities. By the end of the course you will know how to develop sophisticated Java programs that can run on any hardware platform.
Prerequisite: Introduction to Computer Science, Grade11, University Preparation