Financial Accounting: BAT4M1
This course introduces students to advanced accounting principles that will prepare them for post-secondary studies in business. Students will learn about financial statements for various forms of business ownership and how these statements are interpreted in making business decisions. This course further develops accounting methods for assets and introduces accounting for partnerships, corporations, and sources of financing. Prerequisite: Grade 11 BAF3M1
International Business: BBB4M1
This course provides an overview of the importance of international business and trade in the global economy and explores the factors that influence success in international business. Students will participate in wide variety of projects such as research emerging markets, develop country multimedia presentations, debate on controversial world issues, and blog on new developments in international business, participate in cultural food fairs and engage in trade and risk simulations.
Sports and Entertainment Marketing: IDC4U1
Learn about one of the most exciting and competitive businesses in the world. The field of sports and entertainment marketing is rapidly growing. Many colleges and universities are offering courses specializing in sports and entertainment. In this course you will explore the intriguing world of sports and entertainment from a marketing perspective. Some of the topics covered will be professional sports, recreational sports, sports products, public images, celebrities and their fans, images and licensing, brands, promotion, entertainment events, music, theatre, home entertainment, internet, entertainment products, legal and ethical issues, and careers.
Business Leadership: BOH4M1
A look into the ever changing dynamic of management, this course focuses on the development of leadership skills used in managing a successful business. Students will participate and run; team-building events, strategic games, emotional intelligence workshops and learn stress-management techniques. Students will analyze case studies covering ethics, corporate social responsibility and other global management issues while also learning effective business communication skills, human resource management and how to effectively set and achieve SMART goals.