By providing engaging programs in, about and for the environment we make strong connections to EcoSchools. While students and staff are at Mono Cliffs, they are developing sound environmental practices as part of our EcoChallenge Award.
Click here to connect to the TDSB EcoSchools website.
Click here to see how we are Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow.
Tree Planting is a popular program each year in the spring. Click on the link to see a few of our other Environmental Improvement Projects.
Click on the link to see how we are making Ecological Literacy connections with our visiting schools.
Butterfly Garden

Our butterfly garden has become well established over the past few years. The wild columbines attract some of the first returning hummingbirds. The blazing stars attract some of the later butterflies such as the monarch butterfly.
Mono Cliffs seed offer: We have some milkweed seeds to share from the pink flower pictured below. If your TDSB school would like to start seeds with students for a butterfly garden, please contact us.