Goal: “Increase student engagement by fostering active participation in environmental projects and building links between schools and communities.”
~ Ontario Ministry of Education, Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow (2009), p.14
Action: Schools will,
“create opportunities for students to address environmental issues in their homes, in their local communities, or at the global level; encourage all students to participate in environmental education activities on school grounds; enrich and complement students’ classroom learning by organizing out-of-classroom experiences and activities” (Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow, p.16, 17)

At MCOEC, students are actively involved in environmental improvement projects such as Tree Planting, Trail Maintenance, Garlic Mustard removal in Mono Cliffs Provincial Park (MCPP) and stewardship projects in MCPP. In this way, students learn about invasive species, biodiversity, ecology and interactions in the environment while at the same time contributing to the well-being of the park.
In recognition of Earth Day, the month of April is celebrated as Earth Month! There are special activities planned for students such as litter clean-up in MCPP, earth-cultivated reflections at meals. At the end of the visit each student writes out an Earth Pledge which becomes part of a whole group poster that is taken back to school.
These links provide opportunities to practice Environmental Citizenship: