Inspired to take your students outside your school after your visit to Mono Cliffs?
Here are eight years of Get Outside Activities designed to be used in your schoolyard:

Here are some activities that can be done in your city classroom in conjunction with your visit to Mono Cliffs Outdoor Education Centre. Some of these activities are best done before you visit us, and some as follow-up. The activities are listed under the name of the program. There are a number of RAFT activities listed at the end of the programs.
Fur Traders
Significance of the coureurs de bois in the Fur Trade
Comparing life in the 1640's and the 2000's
Choose a character: Who would you rather be?
Comparing cultures
Profile activity
Fur Trade Drama activity (instructions)
Pond Study
Pond Study Activity - Grade 6
Pond Study Activity - Grade 7
Pond Study teacher notes
Ecology Hike
Endangered Species of Canada
Interactions in the Environment
Ecology Hike RAFT
Instincts for Survival
Animal role research (pdf version) (This activity can be tied to EcoSchools - see that section)
Impacts of Humans on an Ecosystem
A day in the life of...
Instincts for Survival RAFT
Other RAFT Activities and explanation
Explanation of using RAFTs
Early Settlers
Ecology and Geology Hike
Geology Hike