A few of the grade five and six students that made the quilt hanging on the wall pose with Hillmount Public School’s former Principal Jo-Anne Weinstein and Teacher Cathy Jones. The animals represented on the quilt are herbivores, omnivores and carnivores researched by students before their visit and then role-played while at Mono Cliffs (in the Instincts for Survival activity). The animals on the quilt are shown in their habitats using creative techniques of collage, colour and stitching. Students gained a greater depth and breadth of their experience at Mono Cliffs by doing these activities before and after their visit. The school also was able to use this work as part of the Eco-Literacy section of EcoSchools certification. A second quilt from another Hillmount class has since arrived. The quilts are now proudly hanging at Mono Cliffs Outdoor Education Centre.