Grade 4 Elements of Music

Grade 4 Elements of Music

- syncopation using an eighth note followed by a quarter note and an eighth note (oral prompts: “ti-ta-ti” or “syn-co-pa”)

- sustaining a note or rest for longer than its value (pause or fermata)

- melody maps, five-line staff, absolute pitch names in treble clef (A, B, C, D, E, F, G),

major and minor tonality, major scale (written with notes or numbers), intervals (unison, step, skip, leap),

key signatures in the music they perform (e.g., no sharps or flats, one sharp, one flat),


accidentals (sharp, flat, natural)

dynamics and other expressive controls:
- changes in volume encountered in music listened to, sung, and played (e.g., sforzando [sfz])
- articulation (e.g., phrase markings)

timbre (also known as tone colour):
- homogeneous sound of ensemble instruments (e.g., individual instruments of the orchestra or other performing ensemble)

- canon, simple two-part piece (simple polyphony)

- verse and chorus
- piece with an introduction and/or a coda
- simple repeats