News And Information

Course Selections Information

Course Selections 2025-2026 Important Dates

  • Thurs. Feb. 6, period 2 - Course selection assembly
  • Wed. Feb. 12 @ 11:45am - Course selection marketplace in the bethune commons
  • Wed. Feb. 12 @ 4pm - Course selection opens
  • Mon. Feb. 10 - ESL class visits 
  • Feb. 13 - 20 - Extra help for
  • Thurs. Feb. 20 @ 4pm - Deadline for submitting courses online

Feb 14 Boardwide PA Day 

Staff from Dr. Norman Bethune CI and across the board will participate in various professional development activities on February 14th. This live document details those activities and their goals. A sample can be seen below as well: 


Friday, February 14, 2025 Elementary & Secondary 

Elementary Teachers

(in schools for interviews with lieu time possible for Feb. 14 PM)



(in schools or in-person learning sites)


Support Staff

(DECEs, CSW, EAs, SNAs, School Office Staff, School-based Safety Monitors)

(in schools or in-person learning sites)

Itinerant PSS 

 Unit A Support Staff

(Social Workers, SLP,   OTPT, Psychologists)

(in schools or in-person learning sites)

PA day focused on: Parent Teacher Conferences

Professional Development:

Professional Learning in alignment with PPM 151 in support of the TDSB MYSP, school improvement planning, and supporting student learning and wellbeing. 


Focus areas may include:

·         Indigenous Education

·         Curriculum Fidelity

·         The intentional use of explicit instruction and inquiry-based learning 

·         Implementing evidence-based interventions and strategies to close gaps and support transitions.

·         Implementation of a range of course offerings and opportunities that support all pathways

·         Data Literacy

·         Assessment & Evaluation to support student success

·         Differentiated Instruction and Assessment 

·         Universal Design for Learning 

·         Making course connections to skilled trades, transferable skills, and apprenticeship & STEM

·         Data analysis, planning and monitoring to support the SIP & MYSP


Professional Learning will also consider factors such as equity and human rights in education, anti-racism, and anti-discrimination, and equitable learning opportunities for students with special education 


Facilitator(s): OSSTF, School and Board Facilitators

Professional learning, performing duties within job classification, or with prior approval from the principal, using scheduled vacation time, lieu time, or taking this time off as unpaid.


It is highly recommended that staff refer to myPATH for a comprehensive list of learning opportunities specifically available for PA Day. 

For Employees working in two half-time positions, coordination with their Principals is necessary. 

 As a reminder, Staff members are paid for their regular hours.



Tier 1 Strategies in the Kindergarten Classroom 

Audience: Administrators, Teachers, SNAs, EAs, CYWs, CYCs 

Structuring Unstructured Time 

Audience: Administrators, Teachers, SNAs, EAs, CYWs, CYCs 

Zones of Regulation and Calming Strategies

Audience: All support staff, including ECEs, EAs, CYWs, SNAs, LRS and OAs. 

Engaging Learners while Promoting Self Care and Student Wellbeing 

Audience: Elementary Teachers, ECEs, EAs, CYWs and SNAs 

Sensory and Self Regulation- Part 1 Theory with PT and OT

Audience: Secondary Teachers, EAs, SNA’s, CYW, CYCs

Sensory and Self-Regulation - Part 2 - Practical Classroom Strategies with OT/PT Services 

Audience: Secondary Teachers, EAs, SNAs, CYWs, CYCs

Itinerant PSS staff may provide professional learning for school staff on mental health and well-being, school safety, violence prevention, Universal Design for Learning, differentiated instruction, best practices to support trauma-informed and sensory-safe learning experiences, fine and/or gross motor skill development, work/ vocational readiness skills, etc


Staff may use this time for committee meetings, administrative work, professional learning, and/or engaging in tiered service supports, etc.


Mental Health Leads Foundations of Mental Health and Well-Being (CUPE staff) 


Mental Health Leads 

·         SafeTALK Train-the Trainers

·         Social Work Meeting


Professional Learning: Offerings for CYC and CYWs:


On  MyPath

The following will be offered to CYS staff:

  1. CYS Connections
  2. CYW Powerschool Training 


Employees working in two half-time positions must coordinate with their principals.





Here are the 2 slide decks for the main presentation and the Out-of-Area Admissions Presentation for you review. If you have any additional questions please feel free to reach out to us at the school.  

Grade 8 Parents Night Slides

Overview of Out-of-Area Admissions Slides 

For more information check out our Grade 8 to 9 Information.



Daily Time Schedules 


Day 1 assigned to odd calendar days. Day 2 assigned to even calendar days.


TDSB Connects

TDSB Connects App is available to all students in helping them stay connected and organized. It gives access to school information, timetable, daily school calendar, announcements, and so much more.
For more information, please go to the TDSB website for current updates. Toronto District School Board


TDSB Online Code of Conduct

All students should review, understand and follow the TDSB Online Code of Conduct and privacy issues and expectations related to online learning. Our teachers, without exception, deal with (and report) all instances of discrimination.

Report Of Concern

At Bethune, student well-being is of great importance. We believe school is a place for everyone to be supported and respected. The Report of Concern is for Bethune students to bring forward issues of concern anonymously. Please advocate for yourself AND others. If you are a parent/guardian, please contact the school directly with your concern (phone or email).