Family Studies

Family Studies is an interdisciplinary subject area taught within Social Science and Humanities. Family Studies prepares students for real world relationships and life experiences as well as for future studies at college and university. Social Science research skills are introduced and developed throughout the curriculum and opportunities for integrating technology are embedded throughout all the courses. Bethune’s Family Studies teachers emphasise cooperative learning strategies to prepare students for the interdependent nature of the work world by allowing them the opportunity to develop the social skills and work ethics needed for the future.

Topics of study include:

  • individual and family development
  • relationships
  • resource/money management
  • parenting/working with children
  • health/nutrition and food preparation
  • fashion and clothing construction/creation
  • celebrating cultural diversity


Course Descriptions:

Exploring Family Studies - HIF1O1

This grade 9 course explores the challenges faced by all people: how to meet basic needs, how to relate to others (relationships, communication, peer pressure and conflict resolution), how to manage resources, and how to become responsible members of society. Students will acquire the knowledge and skills that are needed to make the transition to adulthood. Teachers will instruct students in developing interpersonal, decision-making and practical skills related to daily life. They will explore the functioning of families and the diversities found among families and within society. Application of information will be through food labs and construction of organisation boards.


Food and Nutrition - HFN2O1

This grade 10 course explores the factors that affect attitudes and decisions about food, examines current issues of body image and food marketing, and is grounded in the scientific study of nutrition. Students will learn how to make informed food choices and develop various skill sets through the hands-on component of cooperative cooking. To broaden their understanding of cultural foods, students will have the opportunity to experience a Food Tour of several Toronto communities.


Raising Healthy Children – HPC3O1

This grade 11 course focuses on the skills and knowledge needed to promote the positive and healthy nurturing of children, with particular emphasis on the critical importance of the early years to human development. Students will learn how to meet the developmental needs of young children, communicate, and discipline effectively, and guide early behaviour. They will look at the factors involved in the decision to become a parent and gain practical experience through the opportunity to care for a ‘RealCare Baby’ infant simulator (see link below).


Nutrition and Health – HFA4U1

This grade 12 course will enhance students' holistic understanding of food and nutrition. Students will explore the importance of balancing their health continuum, dietary needs/ the science of nutrition and global issues. This theoretical information will be supported by the practical experience of completing a computerized personal diet analysis and hands-on food preparation. Students develop research skills as they question and investigate past and current issues related to nutrition.


The Ministry of Education provides detailed course descriptions.


Related links to course topics:

Nutrition and Wellness


Parenting Infant and Pregnancy Profile Simulations


The Vanier Institute of the Family