Online Learning Environments

Reset and Manage your TDSB Account Password

Logging into

  • Returning TDSB students Your password is still the same. If you forgotten your password, you can use the Password Manager.
  • New Students to the TDSB or Returning Students greater than 1 calendar year away from a TDSB school. Your current password is:
  • Username: Student ID number.
  • Password: Type in the following: ####DDMM@Tdsb (#### = Last four digits of student number, 2 digit of date of birth, 2 digits of month of birth, @Tdsb 

Password Manager

Click Here to watch a Video on how to use Password Manager 

Password Manager can be used to do the following functions: 

  • Unlock account instantly 
  • Reset password 
  • Change password Configure/update security questions and answers 

Logging into Google Classroom @ home

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Type the URL,
  3. Log in using your TDSB student number and password
  4. Click on:  Google Apps > Classroom 
Logging into Google Classroom

Logging into Brightspace @ home

  1. Open Google Chrome
  2. Type the URL,
  3. Log in using your TDSB student number and password
  4. Click on:  Resources > Brightspace 
Logging onto Brightspace