Business Studies

Business studies continues to offer a variety of courses in information and communication technology, accounting, marketing, business leadership, financial securities and international business. These are all courses that will prepare students with the real life knowledge and skills to be successful in high school, in the future and in the business world. This is also a great opportunity for students considering a career in business related fields.


Course Descriptions:

Business Course Selection Guide


Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM):

SHSM Information sheet

SHSM Fact sheet

Business SHSM brochure


Co-operative Education

Co-operative education is a unique educational experience offered as a 2 credit or a 4 credit program. It promotes skill development, career development, and self-awareness through hands-on experience. Co-operative education develops the ‘whole person’ by bridging the gap between classroom study and the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in the world of work. The student is able to combine classroom learning with practical experience in a career field that he or she is interested in. Bethune co-op students have had placement opportunities in hospitals, police services, auto body and mechanic shops, fire department, elementary schools, retail, hospitality services and more. Co-op education is a great opportunity for all students who have successfully completed 16 credits or more.

For more information, please call the co-op education office at 416-396-8200 x20100.



This course gives students the opportunity to develop the skills, knowledge, and habits that will support them in their education and career/life planning. Students will learn about global work trends, and seek opportunities within the school and community to expand and strengthen their transferable skills and their ability to adapt to the changing world of work.

On the basis of exploration, reflective practice, and decision-making processes, students will make connections between their skills, interests, and values and their postsecondary options, whether in apprenticeship training, college, community living, university, or the workplace. They will set goals and create a plan for their first postsecondary year.

As part of their preparation for the future, they will learn about personal financial management – including the variety of saving and borrowing tools available to them and how to use them to their advantage – and develop a budget for their first year after secondary school.


Course Descriptions:

Download the Ontario Curriculum.


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