Course Profiles

Courses in the Visual Arts Department

Grade 9

Expressing Aboriginal Cultures (NAC 1O1)

This course explores various First Nations, Métis, and Inuit art forms (media arts, music, dance, drama, storytelling, visual art, installation and performance art, clothing design, and architectural design), giving students the opportunity to create, present, and analyze integrated art works infused with First Nations, Métis, and Inuit perspectives. Students will examine relationships between art forms and individual and cultural identities, histories, and values. Students will demonstrate innovation as they learn and apply art-related concepts, styles, and conventions and acquire skills that are transferable beyond the classroom. Students will use the creative process and responsible practices to explore solutions to integrated arts challenges.

Grade 10

Visual Art, Open (AVI 2O1)

This course provides students with opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge in visual arts. Students will be introduced to a range of subject matter and media through studio activities. Students will begin to critique art works and study the art of Greek, Roman, and Middle Ages. Students will begin to build a portfolio and have the opportunity to exhibit works in a formal gallery setting.

Stage Design, Open (AWJ 2O1)

This class will work very closely and in partnership with the Acting Class and the Set Construction Class. Students will learn design theory, aesthetic understanding and technical skills essential to the art of set and costume design. Research into particular historical and contemporary trends and styles in stage design throughout the world will be included. Students will also work very closely with the Acting class in conceiving and designing the Set for the annual Mainstage Drama Production. The Set Design will then be handed over to the Set Construction Class where it will be built. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to see their work not only on paper or model form but actually be built for use in a real theatrical production. This is also an ideal course for specific senior level students who have taken all the available Visual Arts courses but are still searching for other Visual Arts opportunities.

Grade 11

Visual Art, University/College (AVI 3M1)

This course provides students with opportunities to further develop their skills and knowledge in visual arts. Students will explore a range of subject matter through studio activities, and will consolidate their practical skills. Students will analyse artworks and study aspects of Western art history, as well as Canadian art forms and art forms from various parts of the world. This course will focus on 15 - 19C art history to be used as inspiration for thematic and conceptual works. Students will use a personal approach in exploring a range of subject matter through studio activities. Students will begin to build a professional portfolio and will exhibit works in a formal gallery setting.

Visual Art - Sculpture, Open (AWP 3O1)

Students will use materials such as clay, metal, plastics, and found materials to produce art works in relief and in the round. Through the study of traditional and contemporary artists and media, students will come to understand sculpture as an art form. Students will begin to build a portfolio and have the opportunity to exhibit works in a formal gallery setting.

Grade 12

Visual Art, University/College (AVI 4M1)

This course focuses on the refinement of students' skills and the building of a professional portfolio. Students will analyse art forms and increase their understanding of Modern 20C art styles. Students will produce a self-directed body of work with their chosen media and will exhibit works in a formal gallery setting.

Visual Art - Sculpture, University/College (AWP 4M1)

Students will use materials such as clay, plaster, plastercast, and found materials to produce artworks in relief and in the round. They will also have the opportunity to work with pottery wheels to create functional ceramics. Through the study of traditional and contemporary artist and media, students will be inspired to create site-specific works and build a professional portfolio for 3D artwork. Students will produce a self-directed body of work with their chosen media and will exhibit works in a formal gallery setting.