French Immersion

French Immersion Program

LCI Phoenix

The TDSB recognizes successful completion of Bilingual Studies in French Immersion and awards students one of two certificates:


• Le Certificat d’études bilingues en Français Immersion (Certificate of Bilingual Studies in French Immersion)
Minimum of 10 credits* must be successfully completed


• Le Certificat d’Honneur d’études bilingues en Français Immersion (Honours Certificate of Bilingual Studies in French Immersion)

Successful completion of 11 or more credits*

*In order to fulfill the requirements of the program, students must successfully complete FOUR language courses in French Immersion (FIF 9-12) and a minimum of 6-7 courses in other subjects where French is the language of instruction (course codes ending in “5”, eg. BTT1O5)

Tableau des Cours d’Immersion Française

Grade 9 (2025/2026)

  • FIF1D5 - Immersion française
  • PPL1O5 - Éducation physique
  • BEM1O5 - Développer un esprit d'entreprise
  • CGC1W5 - Enjeux géographiques du Canada

Grade 10 (2025/2026)

  • FIF2D5 - Immersion française
  • GPP3O5 - Le Leadership et le soutien des collègues
  • CHC2D5 - Histoire du Canada depuis la Première Guerre mondiale
  • CHV2O5 - Civisme et citoyenneté (0.5 crédit)
  • GLC2O5 - Exploration de carrière (0.5 crédit)

Grade 11

  • FIF3D5 (immersion française)
  • TBD (2026) – based on student voice and input from other FI schools

Grade 12

  • FIF4D5 (immersion française)
  • TBD (2027) – based on student voice and input from other FI schools