Programs with strong EcoSchools connections

Programs with Strong EcoSchools Connections

Evening Programs

Conservation of Energy Scavenger Hunt - Students look at how energy is used around the centre.  They check out what kind of light bulbs we have, measure the temperature differences with blinds open and shut, and measure water flow from different faucets.   This information is used to calculate, for example, how much water is used if everybody left the tap running when they were brushing their teeth, and helps students come up with an energy slogan.

Environmental Commercials - Students are provided with some background information to work through a storyboard on one of five topic areas for their commercials:
  • Reducing amount of water used
  • Reducing garbage created
  • Reducing food waste
  • Reducing energy use
  • Reducing paper use

Daytime Programs

Instincts for survival - Students take on the role of an animal (herbivore, omnivore, or carnivore) in this active simulation of an ecosystem, trying to find enough "food" and "water" to survive while avoiding their natural predators.

Wolf Prowl - This activity simulates a simplified ecosystem in Ontario. Students learn about the needs of certain animal populations and what they need to survive within their environment. Outside, students play the role on an animal and experience the interactions between beavers, deer, moose and wolves. Knowledge is gained about living in an ecosystem while trying to survive by finding food, water and shelter within a limited space. Throughout the activity students need to avoid their "predators" and other limiting factors in order to be strong and survive at the end of the simulation.