![::Desktop:Screen shot 2011-05-20 at 11.01.09 AM.png]()
Finger Bowling
*practice dragging plus directionality
through bowling
*lane tilts in higher levels
![::Desktop:Screen shot 2011-05-20 at 9.15.34 AM.png]()
Bubble Pops
* Tetris type game: practice tapping
*pop coloured sections to score points and eliminate bubbles
![::Desktop:Screen shot 2011-05-20 at 9.15.27 AM.png]()
Bubble Popper
*tap bubble paper to break bubbles
*different activities to practice fine motor skills: pinching, isolated tapping and tracing letters and numbers
Spin and Slide
*put finger on dot and follow the shape tapping, sliding or moving in circular path
*auditory and visual reinforcement
Peeping Musicians
* touch the musicians as they appear to hear them play their instruments