TCI is a great school for students who are new to Canada. Already, we have almost 100 students who are newcomers!
We have a complete, 5-level English as a Second Language (ESL) program, including ESL-supported courses in Grade 9 and 10 Math and Science. We also offer a LEAP program, which helps to close any pre-existing gaps in education for students who have not had an opportunity for continuous education in their previous country of residence.
TCI is a welcoming and caring school. We have in place a number of community partnerships and programs to offer our students a chance to connect with each other, make friends, practice English, go on field trips to explore Toronto, participate in conferences, contests, leadership and volunteering opportunities.
TDSB Welcoming Communities “Chillin’ Club”
The “Chillin’ Club” meets on Tuesday after school. Newcomer students chat, play games, and practice their English. They can also get homework help.

Youth Skills Exchange
This club meets on Wednesdays after school, for a 6-8 week session, focusing on job readiness and search, as well as financial literacy. Students also receive community hours.

This past year, we visited University of Toronto in December, and we participated in the SKilled Trades Expo in February.

Settlement Worker
Ms. Irma Hercules, from North York Community House, helps our newcomer students and their families with settlement issues, such as housing, transportation, immigration, health, education, employment, etc. She is at TCI every Wednesday, and works out of our Guidance Centre.
Newcomer Orientation events (NOW)
In the beginning of a semester, with the support and leadership of our Settlement Worker and her colleagues, we hold a NOW event, to welcome our newest students, give them important information, play games, and help connect them to other newcomer students, as well as key support people in our school and community.