Business Studies

Business Studies

The Northview Business program strives to give students a breadth of opportunities to experience their learning in and outside the classroom and across the curriculum. We offer courses in accounting, business technology, marketing, investing, entrepreneurship and financial literacy. 

In 2023-24, business students have the opportunity to participate and enrich their learning through programs offered throughout the TDSB and our eduational partners.  Students can participate in DECA, Investment Club, SheBiz, The Rotman Challenge, GoIT Monthly Challenge, Intro to Advertising, and a number of Experiential Learning opportunities.

Our students are encouraged to embrace experiential learning to showcase their skills and discover their passion for business. 

A focus on innovation and “out of the box” thinking is encouraged across all our business courses to prepare our students for new jobs and careers in the 21st century.


think connect experience



Courses Offered

Grade 9
 BEM1O - Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset*  (Starting September 2024)

Grade 10
BEP2O - Launching and Leading a Business* (Starting September 2024)

Grade 11
BMI3C - Introduction to Marketing
BAF3M - Financial Accounting Fundamentals (also offered as an ESL course)

Grade 12
BAT4M - Financial Accounting Principles
BBB4M - International Business
BOH4M - Business Management and Leadership
IDC4U - Financial Securities

* New Courses




Contact Information

Assistant Curriculum Leader: Mr. B. Bourgase
Office Number: 129.5
Telephone Number: (416) 395-3290x20105
Staff: B. Bourgase, C. Grande, C. Nwana