

What is Geography?

Geography is truly an interdisciplinary subject. In all courses, students will be studying economic systems, political issues, sociology, demographics, physical diversity, etc. In being able to analyse complex issues from a variety of perspectives, students will be well prepared for college and/or university, and will be highly employable in the information age.

Geography Courses Offered at Woburn

Grade 9 - Canadian Geography (for Gifted, Academic, Applied and ESL students)
Principles of physical, human and economic geography are studied to investigate interconnections between the components of natural and human systems.

Grade 11 - Travel and Tourism (Open)
An intense study of the travel and tourism industry with a focus on popular destinations compared to emerging markets. Social issues, motivations to travel and planning projects allow students to prepare for college with a view towards a possible career in Canada's largest industry.

Grade 11 - Physical Geography (College/University)
Through the study of physical processes that have shaped the earth, students develop an appreciation for the incredibly complex systems that make the earth such a unique planet in our solar system. Land, air and water systems and their dependance on each other are the focus of this course.

Grade 12 - Urban Studies (College)
An excellent course that helps raise awareness of the complex systems we call cities. Urban issues such as crime, pollution, transportation and homelessness are studied within the framework of city politics and infrastructure. The students will plan and design a fictional city as a summary to the entire course.

Grade 12/OAC - World Issues(University)

Through a thorough study of current events, students will learn about various broad social, environmental and political issues that will undoubtedly affect their lives in what can be properly termed a "global village".

The Geography Department is currently running a daily trivia challenge that has generated much excitement. In January, students will be invited to participate in "The Great Canadian Geography Challenge" hosted by the Canadian Council for Canadian Geographic Education. All students are eligible to test their knowledge, and the top student in grade 9 has the opportunity to compete in the regional finals held in the spring.

On November 15th, approximately 35 students from all grades participated in a massive tree planting program on the campus of Humber College. The trees will be monitored for many years to come to help determine the effects of climate change on our urban forests.

Geography Clubs at Woburn

STEP (Students Towards Environmental Protection)

The STEP group at Woburn is an extremely dedicated and involved group of about 25 students from all grade levels. Their goal is to make the school cleaner and safer for all, and to make students and staff more aware of the impacts we have on the environment. You might think of them as Woburn's environmental conscience!

The STEP group runs a highly successful blue and grey box recycling program, along with other activities including:

  • Waste Reduction Week
  • "Buy Nothing" Day
  • Staff Car Pooling Day
  • Earth Day Activities
  • Button Making Campaign
A huge thanks to Mr.Windfield for advising this energetic bunch!


Amnesty International

This group engages in letter writing campaigns, debates and workshops related to human rights issues around the world. A small but dedicated group of students meets every week to discuss issues and make the school population aware of what is being done to help victims of unfair treatment, torture, political censorship, etc.

Thanks to Mrs. Johnson for advising this group.