Business Studies & Computer Science

Business Studies & Computer Science

Welcome to Business Studies at Woburn C.I.

Business activity affects the daily lives of all Canadians as they work, spend, save, invest, travel, and play. It influences jobs, incomes, and opportunities for personal enterprise. Business has a significant effect on the standard of living and quality of life of Canadians, and on the environment in which they live and which future generations will inherit. Eventually, all students will encounter the world of business, whether they work in urban or rural areas. They must be prepared to engage in business activity with confidence and competence. Young people need to understand how business functions, the role it plays in our society, the opportunities it generates, the skills it requires, and the impact it can have on their own lives and on society, today and in the future. 

The business studies program will build a strong foundation for those who wish to move on to further study and training in specialized areas such as management, international business, marketing, accounting, information and communication technology, or entrepreneurship. It will also provide practical skills for those who wish to move directly into the workplace.


Grade 9 

  • BEM1O1 - Building the Entrepreneurial Mindset

Grade 10 

  • BEP2O1 - Launching and Leading a Business

Grade 11

  • BAF3M1 - Financial Accounting Fundamentals
  • BDP3O1 - Entrepreneurship: The Enterprising Person
  • BMI3C1 - Marketing: Goods, Services, Events

Grade 12

  • BAT4M1 - Financial Accounting Principles
  • BBB4M1 - International Business Fundamentals
  • BOH4M1 - Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals
  • IDC4UP - Financial Securities

Computer Science

Computer studies is relevant for all students because it incorporates a broad range of transferable problem-solving skills and techniques, including logical thinking, creative design, synthesis, and evaluation. It also teaches generically useful skills in such areas as communication, time management, organization, and teamwork. Students live in a technologically rich world, and computer studies will provide them with the knowledge and skills to understand the underpinnings of current computer technology and prepare them for emerging technologies. A foundation in this discipline will introduce students to the excitement and opportunities afforded by this dynamic field and will begin to prepare them for a range of rewarding careers.

The computer studies program will build a strong foundation for those who wish to move on to further study and training in specialized areas such as computer programming, database analysis, computer science, education, computer engineering, software engineering, information technology, and game development.


Grade 10 

  • ICD2O1 - Digital Technology and Innovations in the Changing World

Grade 11

  • ICS3C1 - Introduction to Computer Programming
  • ICS3U1 - Introduction to Computer Science

Grade 12

  • ICS4C1 - Computer Programming
  • ICS4U1 - Computer Science

Extra-Curricular Opportunities:

  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) SHSM 
  • DECA (Business Case Study Competition)
  • Team 188 - Woburn Robotics (Business & Community Outreach Subteams)

Department members (2024-2025):

Laura Driscoll (Assistant Curriculum Leader) -

  • Devine Chin (Business) -
  • Dan Cho (Business) -
  • Laura Driscoll (Business) -
  • Sela Gopaulsingh (Business) -
  • Bo Li (Computer Science) -
  • Lisa Rubini-Laforest (Computer Science -
  • Daniel Shand (Business) -
  • Roger Welham (Business) -

Contact:  416-396-4575 ext 20105