Guidance and career education can help you find the right path for a successful experience in high school and beyond. Your school guidance counsellor coordinates and leads the program and is your first contact for help with:
Student Life and Development
- School and program options
- Course options and selection
- Getting your diploma
Planning Life After High School
- Career planning
- Post-secondary education
- Apprenticeships
- Going to work
Support Services
- Emotional and mental health support
- Coping at school
- Social skills and responsibility
- Study skills
The TDSB’s Guidance and Career Education mandate is based on Creating Pathways to Success: An Education and Career/Life Planning Program for Ontario Schools – Policy and Program Requirements, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013
Department members (2024-2025):
Guidance Secretary
- Ms. Zuzana Fox 416-396-4575 x 20040
Guidance Counsellors
- Mr. Gagan Phambri -
- Assistant Curriculum Leader - Guidance
- 416-396-4575 x 20044
- Alpha Group: A to M
- Ms. Alexandra Faichney -
- 416-396-4575 x 20047
- Alpha Group: N to Z
- Ms. Kari Peters -
- 416-396-4575 x 20046
- SHSM Students
Student Support Services
- Ms. Kari O'Grady - Kari.O'
- Assistant Curriculum Leader - Special Education
- 416-396-4575 x 20006
- Ms. Kari Peters -
- Assistant Curriculum Leader - Student Success
- Ms. Cindy Chen - Social Worker
- Ms. Lisa Weldon - Social Worker
- Mr. Kevin Hodge - Child and Youth Worker
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