1. 8-10 sector specific courses

  • Students gear their learning towards a specific sector and take a bundle of courses that provides them with focused learning. Two of the credits must be in Cooperative Education and in a sector related to the SHSM.

2. Sector Specific Certifications and training

  • Students will complete 6-8 sector specific certifications including First Aid & CPR.

3. Reach Ahead Opportunities

  • Students will participate in opportunities that expose them to the various post-secondary pathways.

4. Experiential Learning Opportunities

  • Students will engage in various career exploration activities in the sector that they are enrolled in to gain a deeper understanding of that sector.

5. Sector Partnered Experiences

  • Experiences in which students engage with a sector partner to explore sector-related content, skills, and knowledge involving either ICE (Innovation, Creativity, Entrepreneurship), coding or mathematical literacy.
