Special Education Programs & Supports:
Gifted Intensive Support Program
- Information on the TDSB determination for the exceptionality of giftedness can be found here
- Students with the Gifted exceptionality can be recommended to a Gifted Intensive Support Program through the “Identification Placement and Review Committee” (IPRC) process.
- To determine if Woburn is your eligible secondary school Gifted Program view the school boundaries map here
- Students in the gifted program take 4 gifted-level courses in grades 9 + 10 [English, math, science, geography/history], and 2 in grades 11+ 12 [English and Math]. They are integrated for all other subjects
- Gifted students are supported with an Individual Education Plan (IEP)
Learning Disability - Intensive Support Program (ISP)
- Students with a learning disability may wish to be integrated, or may wish to receive additional support in an Intensive Support Program. For more information on Learning Disabilities click here or visit the teachspeced website.
- Students are placed into an ISP through the “Identification Placement and Review Committee” (IPRC) process. For more information on ISP, click here.
- Woburn’s ISP features small class sizes, typically with EA support and led by a Special Education Teacher. Students in Grade 9 and 10 are required to take four special education courses. They take “GLE” (General Learning strategies) to develop their executive functioning, literacy, and numeracy skill, as well as to support their learning in their other courses. They are integrated for their other courses, with monitoring and potential Resource Room withdrawal support.
Resource Room
- The Resource room is available to support Woburn students who have an IEP. It is typically staffed by a special education teacher and the school CYW (Child & Youth Worker)
- Students may attend the resource room to receive one on one assignment support, for a quiet place to work, to write a quiz or test, or to receive literacy/numeracy skills development support.
- The subject teacher provides support and should be the first place assistance should be sought by any student. Resource room time can be arranged between the student, course teacher, and resource room teacher
Individualized Education Plan (IEPs)
- An informal IEP can be developed at the decision of the In-School Team (IST) or School-Support Team (SST). A student can be brought to IST by staff or parent request. For more information on the IEP and exceptionality process, click here.
- An IEP is a written plan describing the accommodations, modifications, alternative expectations and/or special education services needed to assist the student in achieving the learning expectations. Parent(s)/Guardian(s) must be consulted in the development of an IEP
- A student’s assessment findings may suggest to the SST that referral to an Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) would be appropriate for possible identification as an “exceptional pupil”. You may view the Parent’s guide to Special Education here.
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Department members (2024-2025):
Kari O’Grady (Assistant Curriculum Leader) - Kari.O'Grady@tdsb.on.ca
Office Contact: 416-396-4575 ext 20041