Our Staff


Rosalie Griffith -  Principal: Rosalie.Griffith@tdsb.on.ca or 416-395-3320 ext. 20010

Joy Kim - Vice Principal:  

Last names that begin with A-G: Joy.Kim@tdsb.on.ca or 416-395-3320 ext. 20011

Brandon Zoras - Vice Principal:  

Last names that begin with H-O: Brandon.Zoras@tdsb.on.ca or 416-395-3320 ext. 20013

Christine Lee -  Vice Principal:  

Last names that begin with P-Z: Christine.Lee@tdsb.on.ca or 416-395-3320 ext. 20012

Office Staff

Sandra Collier

Joanne Petrolo

Stella Pincente 

Sussan Akinlami

Sweta Mehta

For additional staff information, please go to "Departments".

In Memory of Christopher John Hayes 1961-2017

Christopher John Hayes

The Westview school community mourns the loss of a member of our family, Chris Hayes.  During his 15 years of service at Westview, Chris established a remarkable legacy of care and dedication in his role as a safety monitor.  Chris was a professional artist and he frequently shared his unique and diverse talents in art, dance and athletics with staff and students.  He will be remembered for his kindness, joy, positivity, sense of humour, and his unwavering support for anyone in need.  Chris's presence in Westview's hallways will be greatly missed, but his memory will be kept dearly in our hearts.