Phone number: 416-395-3320 Ext. 20231
Gr.9 Math Teachers: Gr.10 Math Teachers: Gr.11 Math Teachers
Ms. Engesser-Chung Mr. DeCicco Ms. Devasahayam
Ms. Kwang Ms. Devasahayam Ms. Gupta
Ms. Lam Ms.Kwang Ms. Lam
Ms. Malile Ms.Lin Mr. Persaud
Ms. Ngo Mr. Vu Ms.Thurairajah
Ms. Nguyen Mr. Vu
Ms. Paul
Mr. Vu
Gr.12 Math Teachers: Educational Assistants for Math
Ms. Ngo Ms. Adebanjo
Ms. Nguyen Ms. Adewumi
Mr. Vu Ms. Nyman
Ms. Rahmati
Ms. Wilson
Extra Help: Morning, Lunch, and after school in each teacher’s rooms
After school Numeracy classes for Gr.9 and Gr.10
Academic Tutors
One on one tutoring with SBL (Success Beyond Limits)
Mentoring and Tutoring from York University
Tutoring provided by Jane and Finch Community Centre
Online Tutoring for Gr.9 - 11:
Gr.8 Transition: Highly recommended to take reach ahead bridging Math credit during the Summer before entering Gr.9 at Westview.
Waterloo Math contests:
Feb. 23, 2022
Pascal (Gr. 9)
Cayley (Gr. 10)
Fermat (Gr. 11)
Apr. 5, 2022
Euclid (Gr. 12)