Week 28 - Student of the Week

Downsview Secondary School
Student of the Week
May 13, 2024

Weru K.


Downsview, for the week of May 13th, your Student of the Week is Weru K.
Weru is in the twelfth grade; he will soon graduate.

Character and involvement? That’s what the Student of the Week Award is all about. Fine character and dedicated involvement? That’s Weru. Let’s hear more, from his many fans at Downsview. First, from Mr Hum: “If you’ve ever had a conversation with Weru, you’ll know how friendly he is. Our interactions always end with a smile our faces. When it comes to academics though, don’t be fooled. Weru is as competitive as any top student. Weru works hard and strives for top marks. Weru is also a very talented musician, as I’m sure you’ve seen with his beautiful songs on the piano during assemblies. Congrats Weru! Keep up the amazing work!”

Ms D’Andrea adds: “Weru is such a talented pianist and also so friendly when I see him in the halls. Thank you for sharing your talents and kindness with Downsview! Congrats Weru!” From Mr Henriques: “Weru always manages to brighten up every classroom. Always brimming with positivity, Weru is an exceptional student and was a pleasure to teach. Weru’s piano skills are also top notch.” And from Ms Kimm: “Weru is a dedicated and amazing pianist and always willingly showcases his talent whenever I need him for a school event. Bravo, Weru!”

Mr Kindred writes: “Although I do not teach Weru, I've had the pleasure and privilege of seeing him each day in, and around, Downsview. We shake hands and exchange pleasantries, which might strike some as routine and commonplace, but to me, they, to crib a line from Walt Whitman: contain multitudes. Weru is a highly perceptive individual with a deep passion for events both at the school and beyond. He, much like myself, likes to make his presence known amongst the Downsview community, and is an enthusiastic member of each class that he is in. If you ever get the opportunity to look at Weru's beautiful penmanship, you will be amazed by the sheer artistry and craftsmanship therein. The intricate patterns of his letters (in particular, his t's and f's) and the equidistance between each word is pure poetry to behold.  Weru, I know that you will indeed go on to do many great things in the future. I look forward to hearing all about them in due course.”

Hear this, from Ms Silvana: “Weru! Weru! Weru! This is fantastic. You are always so happy and kind and also make sure you say hello and connect with adults and students.

 I’m so proud of you for all that you do to add happiness and kindness to our school culture and vibe, such as offering your talent in piano skills. Congrats Weru on this amazing acknowledgement and thanks for being you!”

And finally, from Mr Wallace: “Weru's optimism is so powerful that he makes every space he is in happier. He boosts my mood. It feels to me that any limits one faces are not really limits. They are opportunities for shaping a journey. Weru faces challenges, but he knows how to thrive. The joy of playing piano in an assembly,  the joy of determined effort in class,  the joy of a fist bump as he walks in a room or passes you in the hall, the joy of receiving his acceptance of us all helps build Downsview as a welcoming community. Thanks, Weru!”

Weru, you heard it here. For both the visible and the more subtle gifts you bring, we thank you, and we are thrilled to call you our Student of the Week.