Week 30 - Student of the Week

Downsview Secondary School
Student of the Week
May 27, 2024

Aliyah K.


Downsview, for the week of May 27th, your Student of the Week is Aliyah K.
Aliyah is a twelfth grade student at Downsview.

Let's get right to the praise for this wonderful young woman. Hear this, from Ms de Jersey: “It’s hard to believe that Aliyah arrived at Downsview just over a year ago. Plenty of folks like to sit back, take in their new surroundings and settle in before getting involved. There’s nothing wrong with this approach. It is, however, not Aliyah. Aliyah came to us, actively seeked out her place here and dove in, creating community through participation and performance. Aliyah was in my grade eleven English class, and was an absolute pleasure to teach. She is open to learning, taking criticism well, reflecting and generally working hard. Ms Lee and I have also enjoyed working with Aliyah on the Truth and Reconciliation team. Aliyah, you are a bright light at DSS, and it’s a pleasure learning alongside you. Congratulations!”

Mr Henriques adds: “Aliyah always came into class with a smile and a positive attitude. A pleasure to teach during my English class. A very bright future ahead.”

And from Ms D’Andrea: “Aliyah is AMAZING! Get her autograph now! Have you ever seen the show 'So You Think You Can Dance?' Well, that's where Aliyah belongs. This girl can dance! Aliyah approaches artistic movement with an open-mind, creativity, energy, and a positive attitude. The perfect recipe for success in dance. I am so proud of her work in dance this year and above all, appreciate her kind and respectful demeanor. Recently, we went to the Dance Revolt conference at Humber and Aliyah was on her A-game for every workshop; from dancehall to house to popping. You make us proud Aliyah. Thank you for sharing your talents with Downsview and congrats on this well-deserved award!”

It’s been said that the greatest gift one can give is time, and wrapped up in this, is energy. Aliyah, you have given your time and energy to us, and we are better for it at Downsview. Thank you, Aliyah, and congratulations once again on earning the title, Student of the Week.