Week 32 - Student of the Week

Downsview Secondary School
Student of the Week
June 10, 2024

Wendyann B.


Downsview, for the week of June 10th, your Student of the Week is Wendyann B.
Wendy is in the tenth grade at Downsview.

Folks around Downsview have lots to say about Wendy; let’s get right to the praise. Hear this, first, from the staff in room 127: “We have had the pleasure of having Wendy in our class since September. She is hard working, helpful and very patient when dealing with her peers. She has an artistic eye that is uniquely her own. She has taken it upon herself to create beautiful and unique canvases that now decorate our classroom. She has a wonderful sense of humor and once we brought her out of her shell, we've seen her mischievous ways play out through daily pranks on staff and peers.  She has a keen interest in cooking and trying new recipes which she brings to the school through the Thursday Lunch Program. The best word to describe Wendy is 'Kindness'. She is always asking how she can help or what she can do. She is a friend to everyone and we are so blessed to have her in our class. Congratulations Wendy from all of us in Room 127!”

And, from Ms Silvana: “Wendy, Wendy, Wendy! You have truly blossomed over the last school year, especially in your school contributions to the hot lunch program. Wendy has been consistently volunteering every week to plan, prep and make the hot lunches with me for the school on Thursdays. From the onset Wendy has shown a remarkable work ethic and a genuine passion for cooking and baking.
What stands out even more is the personal growth Wendy has achieved through this experience. Initially a bit shy and reserved, Wendy has gained incredible confidence and leadership skills. She has learned to plan, prepare and make meals and the last couple of months she is mostly on her own with very little of my support. She is more confident and happy and proud of herself.
Wendy it’s been an absolute honour and privilege working alongside you and watching this transformation, I’m extremely proud of you and can’t wait to see what meals we will make next school year. Wendy, keep being courageous and brave and trying new things as the skills you will develop and learn will make you proud. Keep it up and congratulations on this well deserved recognition. You are amazing!”

Let’s hear from Ms Gheorghe: “Wendy shows great passion for cooking and baking and she is always interested in new recipes and tips about different dishes and sweets.
She enjoys working on different art projects in the class or in her free time. She is experimenting with different textures and colors and she is proud of her finished works.
Wendy is always helping her classmates and the staff members during her time at school and she is a great young lady who has a lot of things to be proud of: her positive approach to any tasks, patience and a caring nature, the curiosity to learn new things, and a strong work ethic. And... she is a great word search solver of the most difficult word searches I could give her in my class. Congratulations Wendy! Have a nice summer!”

Ms Pal has this to say: “I picture Wendyann competing on a future episode of MasterChef Canada!  Her love for cooking has really blossomed this year, since she joined Silvana in the Thursday lunch program.  She has become more confident in her cooking skills, and recently prepared a lunch working solo! Wendy, you have a promising future in the culinary arts, so keep working hard, and developing your cooking skills, and being the lovely, pleasant person that you always seem to be.  You deserve this recognition. Good luck in the future.”

And finally, from our principal, Ms Elwin: “Wendy  is an amazing young person. And in the last year she has definitely come out of her shell. She has actively participated in events in the school and cooks once a week with Ms. Silvana . She makes sure all the students in the DD program get a hot lunch and oftentimes helps her peers in her class. She is a leader in the school community and a joy to see in the office. Congrats on being Student of the Week!”

Wendy, choosing the first student of the week for a school year is a delicate task - we want to set a tone of excellence. And, choosing the final student winner is equally important - we want to finish strong. Wendy, we are finishing strong with you. Congratulations once again, Wendy; you are the final Student of the Week recipient for the 2023-2024 school year. Fantastic work!