Birds in the City

Birds in the City

Urban and rural areas support different types of birds. Students will explore bird characteristics through hands-on activities and games. Students will learn about challenges faced by, and human impact on, urban birds.

Birds in the City

Students will spend the day at the TUSC greenhouse and in the natural and urban environments around the greenhouse, learning how birds in the urban environment face different challenges from birds in a more natural setting.  A variety of indoor and outdoor activities - such as games, experiments, simulations, and fieldwork - will guide students in answering three main questions: What birds live here and how do they survive? How do different birds in our neighbourhood meet their needs?, and How do humans help or hurt? Hands-on exploration activities are a large component of this program, as is a community walk into natural and urban landscapes to look for different types of birds and to observe bird habitats in both environments. 


Curriculum Connections:

  • Science: Understanding Life Systems: Growth and Changes in Animals
    • Structure and Function
    • Sustainability and Stewardship

Character Development:

  •  program emphasizes respect, responsibility, teamwork, empathy, and co-operation