In this fun, interactive day, students learn the value of working in teams and what it takes to co-operate and achieve difficult things together.

Curriculum Connections:
- Health and Physical Education - Living Skills
Character Development:
- program emphasizes respect, responsibility, teamwork and co-operation
Group dynamics, communication and problem-solving are the essence of this program. Through a series of activities including: Ice Breakers, Name Games, Communication Games, Trust Games and Cooperative Games, students will learn and practice the “Learning Skills” needed to be responsible, productive, collaborative, organized, independent, and self regulated members of their classroom.
Character Development will be central to all activities, as students will be encouraged to support each other, persevere, and enjoy the program by celebrating their successes and assessing their own progress!
Program Length: one day (9:30 am - 2:00 pm)
Availability: fall (September to mid November), spring (mid-April to June)
Location: schoolyard or your local green space.
Fee: Please find information on the fee structure here.
User fees help ensure the continuation of these learning experiences through partial cost recovery; fee schedule reflect rates subsidized by the Toronto District School Board.
Maximum 36 students