General Guidelines
- Any class participating in a TUSC program MUST be accompanied by the classroom teacher. In the event that the classsroom teacher is unable to accompany his/her class to the program, contact TUSC at 416-393-0661 to reschedule.
- TUSC follows the supervisory guidelines in the TDSB’s Excursion Policy:
Grade 1 - 8: Minimum 2 adult supervisors. (for greater than 30 students, follow a 1:15 ratio). Extra adults are welcome in all programs! Note: Some programs depend on additional adults for supervision; please review your program’s Pre-Visit Information carefully.
- Discipline is the responsibility of the classroom teacher. At the discretion of the TUSC staff, a program may be terminated if student safety is at risk, or if student behaviour is inappropriate. Please be aware that many TUSC programs take place in public areas and involve the support of the local community; inappropriate behaviour of one class may jeopardize future opportunities for other TUSC classes.
- Absolutely NO skateboards or scooters are allowed on TUSC trips.
- Please emphasize to the parent volunteers that they are NOT to buy food or drink for any students during field work.
Health Forms
Bring the Student Excursion Report (from Power Schools) the day of the program [this information is also available online via the Excursion Management App (EMA); inform TUSC staff of any special health concerns/needs your students have; ensure students come with any required medical equipment (ie. epi-pens, inhalers, etc.).
All program locations are accessible by TTC. To promote awareness of the importance of public transportation in urban life, central busses are NOT provided. Schools wishing to book a bus for a TUSC program do so at their own expense. There are no parking facilities for busses or other vehicles at any program location.
Payment for all TUSC programs is by budget transfer at the end of the month. TUSC’s Office Administrator arranges the budget transfer with the office staff in your school following the program. Please give all money to your office administrator.