In the TUSC IT Lab, students use natural materials and technology to investigate a wide variety of patterns in nature and the built environment.
Curriculum Connections
- Language - Media Literacy, Writing
- Mathematics - Patterning and Algebra
Character Development
- program emphasizes respect, responsibility, teamwork, co-operation and perseverance
NOTE: This engaging cross-curricular program is an excellent choice for SPLIT GRADE classes (4/5 or 5/6).
Help your students discover the many patterns that exist in the world as they take on the role of photographers “hired” to illustrate the text of a children’s e-book about Patterns in Nature. While “on assignment” in the TUSC I.T. lab and the surrounding community, students receive all the equipment (and instruction) they need to choose and “shoot” natural and manufactured objects to illustrate specific "patterns in nature".
In the afternoon, students download and review their photographs from the morning in order to choose the best photographs to include in their e-book on
Patterns in Nature. Working with their partner on dual-monitor iMacs guided by help movies, students create their versions of the finished book. E-books are completed online (in Google Slides) and saved in an AW Drive folder for your class.
Program Length: full day (9:30 am - 2:00 pm)
Availability: fall (November to December), winter (January to mid-March), spring (mid-March to April)
Location: TUSC I.T. Lab
Fee: Please find information on the fee structure here.
User fees help ensure the continuation of these learning experiences through partial cost recovery; fee schedule reflect rates subsidized by the Toronto District School Board.
User fees help ensure the continuation of these learning experiences through partial cost recovery; fee schedule reflect rates subsidized by the Toronto District School Board.
TTC: each adult requires 2 tickets
Maximum: 32 students