Building on the Past

Curriculum Connections
- Social Studies - Early Societies, 3000 BCE - 1500 CE
- Language - Reading
Character Development
- program emphasizes respect, responsibility, teamwork and co-operation
How do you hold open a hole in a wall? Students investigate three solutions to this age-old problem through hands-on, kinesthetic activities and along the way, learn a brief architectural history of Western Europe by way of Greek and Roman structural design. Emphasis is placed on the development of building design from Greek to Roman and finally Gothic form, a key architectural style of the Medieval period. During the afternoon fieldwork, students visit King Street between Jarvis and Church Street, including St. Lawrence Hall, the former Army-Navy building and finally St. James’ Cathedral, Toronto’s key Gothic-inspired building. The class works in small groups to find and photograph features characteristic of the Greek, Roman and Gothic style.
Please Note: TUSC Lab is fully accessible for students in wheelchairs; contact TUSC for more information.
Program Length: one day (9:30 am - 2:00 pm)
Availability: spring (mid-April to June)
Location: am: TUSC Lab, pm: King Street between Jarvis and Church Street
User fees help ensure the continuation of these learning experiences through partial cost recovery; fee schedule reflect rates subsidized by the Toronto District School Board.
TTC: FREE for kids under 12
Maximum: 30 students