Focus on Kensington

Focus on Kensington


Curriculum Connections:

  • History - Canada, 1890-1914: a Changing Society

Character Development:

  • program emphasizes respect, responsibility, teamwork, perseverance and co-operation


Discover the uniqueness of Toronto’s Kensington Market and neighbourhood!

The period from 1850 to 1914 in Toronto saw a surge in immigration that increased the city’s diversity. This colourful area provides an excellent example of how various waves of immigrants (from 1850 to the present) took actions to overcome the challenges of moving to a new home. These efforts have contributed to the changing face of our city, its growth, and development.

In the morning, students work in small groups with iPads to piece together the intricate story of this special neighbourhood. Using a "jig-saw" strategy, students become "experts" on specific groups and periods with a focus on the "Challenges" faced, "Actions" taken, and on the physical "Evidence" that remains to be found in this community today. 

During the afternoon, students look for signs of the past in the present as they work in small groups with a map, historical "clues" and a digital camera (provided by TUSC). The challenge? To explore continuity and change by recognizing, photographing, and recording evidence of the struggles of different groups in Toronto, the solutions they came up with, and their lasting physical impact. To encourage classroom follow-up, the students’ photographs are compiled and made available electronically to visiting teachers along with other post visit materials.

Please Note: Kensington C.S. is fully accessible for students in wheelchairs; contact TUSC for more information

Program Length: one day (9:30 am - 2:00 pm)
Availability: fall (September to mid-November), spring (April to June)
Location: am: Kensington CS; pm: Kensington Market area
This program takes place at Kenington Community School and will become available once operational procedures allow.

Fee: Please find information on the fee structure here.

User fees help ensure the continuation of these learning experiences through partial cost recovery; fee schedule reflect rates subsidized by the Toronto District School Board.

TTC: each student requires 2 TTC tickets


Maximum: 30 students