Grade 7

Overview: Programs for Students in Grade 7

In the TUSC IT Lab, students learn how to create and package their own Android apps through a series of logic sequencing and hands-on lessons. Completed apps can then be installed on any Android device; connections to Math and Science and Technology
This program takes place in the TUSC IT Lab at Danforth CTI 


Based on Toronto’s "Live Green Toronto" plan, students discover the importance of the role we all have in "greening" our city. Students work in groups to survey and map an urban area using ArcGIS Online; connections to Geography and Science and Technology
This program takes place in the TUSC IT Lab at Danforth CTI 


Based on the TDSB EcoSchools initiative "Tree Tours in your Schoolyard", students are introduced to the challenge of creating a thematic "Tree Tour" in and around Danforth CTI using GPS units and ArcGIS Online; connections to Geography
This program takes place in the TUSC IT Lab at Danforth CTI 

 Students become "Detectives of History", exploring the concepts of: Observation, Inference, Continuity, Change, Bias, Primary/Secondary Sources, and Historical Significance in relation to indigenous and colonial education; connections to Social StudiesThis program takes plance in the TUSC IT Lab at Danforth CTI.

Using ArcGIS Online in TUSC's I.T. Lab, students create global feature maps highlighting tectonics, earthquakes and volcanoes. Maps are created at TUSC and can be revised back at school, from any computer; connections to Geography
This program takes place in the TUSC IT Lab at Danforth CTI 

Available at High Park OR your local green space. By participating in structured investigative and experiential activities in meadow, forest and aquatic habitats, students study interactions within the environment, and identify factors that affect the balance between different components of an ecosystem. A particular emphasis is placed on understanding the interactions between and among biotic and abiotic elements in the environment and demonstrating an understanding of an ecosystem as a system of interactions between living organisms and their environment; connections to Science & Technology

For more information, check out each program!