Habitats, Communities and YOU

Habitats, Communities and YOU!



Curriculum Connections:

  • Science & Technology - Understanding Life Systems
  • Language - Writing, Reading, Oral Communication


Character Development:

  • program emphasizes respect, responsibility, teamwork and co-operation


Much like in the children’s book, Meerkat Mail, students are challenged to follow in "Sunny’s" footsteps and investigate two  different habitats in the greenhouse in an effort to find the "perfect place" for a collection of new plants!

To help find the perfect place for each "new arrival", students visit two habitats and engage in inquiry-based activities to gain an understanding of: how humans are connected to, and responsible for, the habitat (i.e. through their use of the plants that grow there);  each habitat’s environmental conditions; the challenges of the environment for plants; and, the ways plants have adapted to the challenges. The study of each habitat concludes with each student considering which of the "new plants" are suited to the habitat and why they think that habitat is the "perfect place".

Please Note: there is barrier free access to the TUSC Greenhouse; contact TUSC for more information.

Program Length: full day (9:30 am - 2:00 pm)
Availability: fall (November to December), winter (January - mid-March), spring (mid-March to April)

Location: TUSC Greenhouse, City Adult Learning Centre - 1 Danforth Avenue

Fee: Please find information on the fee structure here.

TTC: free for students under 12 years

Maximum: 30 students


  1. because of space restrictions in the greenhouse, teachers wishing to bring classes whose numbers exceed 30, are asked to request TWO bookings; contact the TUSC Site Supervisor for more information 647-456-9389.