Curriculum Links

Curriculum Links: Patterns in Nature

Patterning and Algebra

Overall Expectations

By the end of Grade 5, students will:

• determine, through investigation using a table of values, relationships in growing and shrinking patterns, and investigate repeating patterns involving translations
• demonstrate, through investigation, an understanding of the use of variables in equations

Specific Expectations

Patterns and Relationships

  • make predictions related to growing and shrinking geometric and numeric patterns
  • extend and create repeating patterns that result from translations, through investigation using a variety of tools


Media Literacy

Overall Expectations

3.4 produce a variety of media texts for specific purposes and audiences, using appropriate forms, conventions, and techniques


Language: Writing

Developing and Organizing Content for a variety of writing forms

Purpose and Audience 


  • 1.3 gather information to support ideas for writing, using a variety of strategies and a range of print and electronic resources


Using Knowledge of Form and Style in Writing Voice

  • 2.2 establish an appropriate voice in their writing


Applying Knowledge of Language Conventions and Presenting Written Work Effectively
Spelling Familiar Words

  • 3.1 spell familiar words correctly


Spelling Unfamiliar Words

  • 3.2 spell unfamiliar words using a variety of strategies



  • 3.3 confirm spellings and word meanings or word choice using a variety of resources



  • 3.4 use punctuation appropriately


Report Comments

Feel free to use these comments when completing reports.


Patterning or Media

  • During the Patterns in Nature Program at TUSC, *name* explored various types of symmetry and patterns which occur in plants and manufactured items. *He/She* used a digital camera to photograph and categorize these patterns. The information was used to create a computer presentation outlining this information for a younger audience.