Pre-Visit Information

Patterns in Nature


Pre-Visit Information

For your convenience, a partially completed 511C form is provided (pdf format). 

To ensure a successful day, it is essential to review BOTH the Program Specific Information below AND the General Guidelines!

Program Specific Information

  1.  The Entire day of your program takes place in and around the TUSC IT Lab (Danforth CTI, room A20) near Danforth and Greenwood.
  2. Adults will need 2 TTC tickets: one to get to the program site and one to return to school.
  3. Please divide the students into pairs. For the It portion of the program on the computers, put 2 pairs together to form working groups of 4 (maximum number of groups: 8).
  4. Before coming, remind students:
    • this program is not “an outing”, it is a “work day”
    • bring a full reusable bottle of water - no drinking fountains
    • all program materials, including pencils and clipboards, Ipads and cameras are provided.
  5. Student will need 2 TTC tickets each Half day if they are over 12 years of age: one to get to the program site and one to return to school.

Special Preparation for Visiting Teachers

To be successful, this program includes pre-visit student preparation that is essential for program success. 

Use this link to access our AW folder containing an "e-book" to review with students before the program as well as helpful information for you, and your students.