Rocks Around Town

Rocks Around Town - Virtual

rocks in a wall

Curriculum Connections

  • Science and Technology: Understanding Earth and Space Systems
  • Language: Reading

Character Development

  • program emphasizes respect, responsibility, teamwork and co-operation

Offered over two virtual sessions. Young geologists begin by exploring the rock cycle digitally and kinaesthetically through various interactive activities.  In the second session, students will go on a virtual field trip with a TUSC staff where they investigate the varied rocks and minerals found on selected buildings/structures on the campus of the University of Toronto.

Recording tools and resource materials help students consider how the use of rock as a building material has many benefits but also has environmental costs

Program Length: two 60-75 minute virtual sessions offered on different days
Availability: fall (November to December), winter (January - mid-March), spring (mid-March to June)
Location: Virtual


User fees help ensure the continuation of these learning experiences through partial cost recovery; fee schedule reflect rates subsidized by the Toronto District School Board.