Municipal Government - Community Walk

Municipal Government - Community Walk

Toronto City Hall chambers


Curriculum Connections:

  • Social Studies - People and Environments: The Role of Government and Responsible Citizenship

Character Development:

  • program emphasizes respect, responsibility, teamwork and co-operation

Currently available as a hybrid field trip (half-day virtual / half-day community walk). 

Let’s see our city in a whole new way! Municipal by-laws and services shape our city and we don’t always notice them! Students can engage in the process of passing municipal by-laws and discover who their city councillor is. Special emphasis will be on encouraging municipal engagement to better your community and discovering city services that surround you.

Program Length: Full day (virtual learning in the morning, community exploration in the afternoon)
Availability: fall (November to December), winter (January to mid-March), spring (mid-March to April)
Location: virtual and local school area 
Fee: Please find information on the fee structure here.

User fees help ensure the continuation of these learning experiences through partial cost recovery; fee schedule reflect rates subsidized by the Toronto District School Board.

Maximum: 30 students